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Main Clinic Number
(307) 856-9281

Arapahoe Hours
Mon - Fri:
8AM - 4:45 PM

Ethete Hours
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:45 PM

Riverton Hours
Monday and Friday
8 AM - 10 PM
Tuesday -Thursday
8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday and Sunday
1 PM - 10 PM

DEPARTMENT: Tribal Victim Services Department
REPORTS TO: Director of Tribal Victim Services

1 - Full-Time/Non-Exempt/Grant Funded
1 - Full-Time/Non-Exempt/ Grant Funded Friday – Monday 1 pm to 11pm
1 - Part Time/Non-Except/ Grant Funded Monday – Friday 5 hours daily

CLOSE DATE: Until Filled


The Family Advocate will work directly with victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, mass violence and other types of victimization.


Develop or maintain case plans for each family assigned.
Offer services and referrals from community partners, coordinating and accompanying victims and families to medical exams and court, attending any meetings the victims or family may request advocate support at and acting as a liaison between members of the MDT and child victims and their family.
Work with partner agencies to refer families to additional services as deemed appropriate, such as housing, healthcare, counseling, and educational resources.
Ensure that all assigned individuals or families receive equitable services through case coordination, direct victim services, and by educating partner agencies on evidence based, best practices when working with families in crisis.
Track and maintain all records of interactions and services provided by all involved agencies for each individual being assisted.
Communicate across systems to effectively coordinate services between WRFCHCS and entities serving the Wind River Reservation as pertaining to victims.
Work under stressful situations and must be highly motivated to ensure that the highest possible quality of care to all victims regardless of age, sex, or sexual identity.
Educate community members on the topic of child abuse and victimization to include courses, classes, training, and any other events when invited to speak on the topic with supervisor approval.
Complete 40 hours of Victim Assistance Training and 8 hours of additional training every 2 years.
General phone skills, office equipment, and computer skills are required.
Other duties as assigned to maintain/enhance the operation of the Victim Services department.


Education: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent training in the victim advocacy or social services field. TVS will also take into consideration life experiences and/or years of experience.
Experience: A minimum of 2 years’ experience is preferred.
Requires knowledge of principles and practices of childhood trauma, social work and integrated systems approaches to health care delivery.
Must possess a valid driver’s license. Must meet insurance standards and maintain insurability under WRFCHC’s insurance.
Must be able to pass a criminal background check under the Indian Child Protection Act (P.L. 101-630).


This work involves working with persons in crisis and their non-offending family members whose behavior may be unpredictable. The day-to-day workload will be conducted Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. However, on-call evening and weekend hours may also be required as well as possible evening training/meetings for improved survivor access.
Family advocates may be scheduled and stationed at the various WRFCHCS locations to increase accessibility for victims and decrease response time when a crisis occurs. Advocates may be stationed at Ethete Clinic, Arapaho Clinic, 12th Street Clinic, the Assessment Center, and/or Family Justice Center.


Competitive wages (no state or local tax)
18 different medical insurance packages
Dental and vision insurance
Life insurance
Retirement plan with 4% match
Leave Benefits to accommodate all employees’ needs for paid time off for: personal time, sick time, civic responsibilities.


  • Submit a complete application with supporting documents either online or to WRFCHC Human Resource Department located at 120 North 6th East St (Old DFS Bldg.), Riverton WY. Applicants must submit all supporting documents to be eligible for the position they are applying for.
    • Supporting documents: Driver’s License, Tribal ID, High School Diploma/GED, Degree or professional credentials, and other supporting documents that verify required qualifications.
  • Applicants not living in the local area may submit a cover letter, resume, and supporting documents in lieu of an application as an initial statement of interest for a particular job announcement. However, the applicant must follow-up with an official Wind River Family and Community Health Care job application.
  • Applicants who have a current application on file are required to submit a letter of interest for each position in which they want to be considered for. The letter should address how they meet each qualification. Supporting documents must be attached to the letter of interest.
  • Telephone calls are not accepted in place of an employment application or letter of interest.
  • When the position qualifications require a driver’s license, education, or professional credentials, the applicant must submit copies of certificates, licenses, degrees, and other supporting documentation. Applicants who do not provide supporting documents will be disqualified.
  • WRFCHC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Preference will be given to a qualified tribal member, then a qualified tribal member of a federally recognized tribe and then other qualified candidate.
    • Qualified Indian Preference applicants must provide a copy of their tribal enrollment identification card or a Certificate of Indian Blood.
  • Background investigation, drug and alcohol screening are required as a condition of employment. Refusal will render the applicant ineligible for employment.

For information or questions, please contact Human Resources at 307-856-9281 ext. 367.